Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Writing Personal Essays

(This is advance notice on the chat topic for next Wednesday, February 25.)

Let's talk about personal essays. Do you write them? Do you want to? Have you had any published?

Good essays are much more than a story about something that happened to you. As Kathryn Lay says in the March edition of "The Writer" magazine, "It's an opportunity for me to share what I experience and learn, and to hope that what I've written will encourage, inform or challenge readers."

I've written a few essays myself, and two of them have been published. This is a genre I'm interested in, and "The Writer" features four articles on the topic. Reading those articles has me thinking about essay ideas and getting the urge to put another one together.

What are your thoughts and/or experiences on essays? Share here if you'd like, then join us in the chatroom next Wednesday for an open discussion about them.


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