Wednesday, December 16, 2009


If you missed the goal setting chat the other night, I hope you'll drop in tonight. It exploded into a discussion on the forum so we're continuing with more. Here's the direct link to the forum. Check it out

I know it's hard to think about goals and getting work done when what's on our minds right now are school parties and pagents, decorating, relaxation, visiting friends and family, getting the house or ourselves ready for company. Those are different than work goals, but are still goals nonetheless. We set down a date for them, plan for them, and implement them in the same way. We need diversionary goals like this from time to time to refresh our spirit and our minds.

I'd like to propose that we attack our work goals, our writing goals, with the same attitude we do the holiday goals: with excitement, serious preparation and enjoying every moment of the process. Just like when we're gift shopping and we secretly buy that little something for ourselves, do the same with your writing/work goals. That little something can be a nice new pen, an ergonomic keyboard, a webinar on something you've been meaning to learn. It can even be an extra fifteen minutes to write. Anything to spoil yourself and want to be working on those goals. Now...get to it!



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